Sunday, September 5, 2010


These past two weeks have been crazy (no pun intended there).  I have seen my neighborhood turn into a circus...I have watched people I know and care about make some very bad choices...and I have found that my gallbladder is better off out of me rather than in me.  I have also been made acutely aware that denial (once again!) ain't just a river in Egypt.
Let's start with the circus.  Without getting into any excruciating detail, let's just say that there are still far too many people who would sell grandma in order to get a glimpse of their favorite "celebrity".  Unfortunately, I also realized that there are far too many people who would sell grandma, mom, dad, and themselves in order to get a glimpse of ANY celebrity.  Coupled with the rumors, half-truths, and whole lies that can circulate in the midst of such mayhem...suffice it to say that I now understand the meaning of the most derogatory terms associated with "fans" and their half-baked attempts at getting something for nothing...
Next, bad choices.  We all make them that is for sure.  But when we make them and the direct result is screwing up our kids...that's a major problem.  Grant it, we don't always see the consequences of our own bad choices until our kids are no longer kids....but that's how it usually works.  Little Billy was always "mean" to his younger sister Susie.  Mom and dad were aware of Billy's physical abuse of Susie,but never addressed it in a concrete way.  Ultimately, Billy and Susie grow up.  Billy is socially awkward and still somewhat dependent on his parents;  he has fits of temper and is still as moody as he always was when things don't go quite his way.  Meanwhile, Susie looks like Kat Von D times ten.  She has the face of a werewold tattooed right across her chest with the words "Back Off!" you wonder why?  Does anyone wonder why?
Candace, on the other hand, was raised to believe that "if it feels good, do it".  Candace's parents certainly lived by that credo.  They fought like cats and dogs...they ignored Candace and her younger sibling most of the time...and they ended up moving on to greener pastures (via divorce) right when Candace felt she needed them the most.  So what happened to Candace?  At the present time, Candace is living with her "bad ass" boyfriend who makes Snoop Dog look like a DEA agent!  As the saying goes, Candace is certainly "stickin' it to the man" (and woman) from her family of origin.  Big time.
Bad choices never lead to positive end results.  Consistently bad choices lead to consistently bad results.  When are we going to get that? 
This is where my gallbladder comes in....
But more on that next time....