Thursday, October 17, 2013


Wanting to be in control of things is a natural part of our human condition.  Even if we aren't very good at taking care of ourselves properly---or doing what only we can do for ourselves on a daily basis---we still want to be in control.  If that wasn't bad enough...many of us believe that we have the right to control others like it's our job.  I am reminded of the employer who thought he could just "make" his employees participate in a charitable effort he was himself involved in---and got very upset when one of his employees said "No thanks!"  Or the mother who believes she knows better than her 30-something daughter when the time is right to get and be pregnant.  It's amazing isn't it?  Many of us really do believe we know "better" than our employees, or our adult children, or our spouses, or our friends "what" it is they should do about......because we are just that much more ?? than they are.  Give me a break.

I don't know when controllers will finally figure out that by their attempts at controlling others, they are basically communicating their belief that the object of their controlling efforts is DUMB.  Inotherwords, "You can't figure this out for yourself unless I tell you what to just do what I say and you'll be fine."  Yeah right.  What a way to encourage or inspire anyone we are involved with personally to feel confident and competent about themselves!  NOT!