You Might Be a Narcissist when....
You do a lot of "self-checking" as to how you're going to get what you want from whom and when on a daily basis...
People who are of no possible or potential use to you are pretty much invisible and/or "dead" to you.
If you can identify the way(s) in which someone can be of current or potential use to you in satisfying your own needs and goals (even if that need or goal is to make you feel good about yourself in their presence!)...then it's time to befriend them/date them/work with them/hire them...blah blah blah!
You HATE being told anything you do not want or expect to hear...especially about yourself. Oh hell no!
You can't wait for much. Waiting is a fool's game. Don't they know WHO I AM?!?! HAHA! Yep, narcissists are the true VIP status individuals among us!
You are quick to anger and slow to cool down. Of course you are! How could that *$)@ NOT know WHO I AM and DARE to forget than I expected XXXXXX NOW from him/her/them?!?!
You are a grandstander. The only "good" you do for someone when you will be acknowledged and admired for it so as to maintain your self-perceived "image" and "reputation" with the audience you are pandering to. Narcissists have NO desire to do something "good" without recognition attached! Cheerful givers without expectations they are NOT!
You struggle with chronic feelings of inadequacy, self-loathing, self-condemnation, anxiety, depression...while at the same time lust for power, pleasure, and control on demand.
You are capable of throwing anyone (and I do mean ANYONE!) you claim to love and care about under the bus so long as you come out smelling like a rose in that sh** show of a circumstance.
You are a hardcore survivor of life. You authentically have no clue how to be truly emotionally and spiritually intimate (Into Me You See!) with anybody---unless they are just like you enough. (Kind of like Charlie Manson and his "women"...or Tony Soprano and Christopher...etc. etc.)
You make a practice of minimizing or ignoring the pain you cause others. "Shut up it's not a big deal!"
When others cause you pain, you know how to make their lives miserable...for however long you choose to...and will!
When someone upsets you enough, they're out. As in Buh Bye Felicia! You are capable of cutting people out like a knife..swiftly and completely.
Putting yourself in someone else's shoes is pretty much impossible for you. Why? Who cares? Who's putting themselves in MY shoes? :-P
You feel empty inside because you know how hard you work to get what you want when you want it...and still you aren't completely satisfied from the inside out! What.The.F.?
You have been accused of being narcissistic by more than one person over the course of your life and you STILL believe "they" didn't know what they were talking about because, in fact, THEY were the problem...NOT YOU!
You can count your number of truly good and authentic friends whom you genuinely love...and who genuinely love you on....on....oh that would be on no hands at all!
You have many historic relationships (personal and/or professional) which ended badly because they did this and they did that and didn't they know if they only XXXXXX, it wouldn't have had to end as it did!?
You are the one common denominator between yourself...and all of your past and present drama!
You lack true humility. Humility is for suckers. It represents weakness...not strength!
You believe only yourself. You fundamentally lack trust in anyone and everyone. You are your own "g" word while you are here (on earth). Nobody is the boss of you...ever! Not even the real "g" word!
In spite of perhaps not doing it "yet" know you are capable of ruining someone else and someone else's life if you so choose to do so. People are so damn clueless anyway!
Whatever you do...or choose to do...IS JUST FINE! There are no absolutes when it comes to "right" behavior. If you choose to do whatever it is you do, it's ALL GOOD even if it does cause some "collateral damage". Collateral damage is a fact of life people! Get over it!
;-)'re welcome!
Have a great weekend!
Until next post...