I don't have to give you the historical references associated with this particular pandemic. We are living in its somewhat early-ish stage currently; at least we are here in SE MI. Where I live, we are on shut down with the majority of our local retailers as well as self-quarantine for the next 14 days or so. We'll see what's up by early April to determine whether or not the # of cases here is up---or way up---or off the charts up. My bff in California told me less than an hour ago that their state-wide shelter in place order officially begins tomorrow. He was refused visitation at his mother's nursing home this past week; he was told if he attempts entry there this week, he can be arrested. Wow. Okay. This is serious.
We have relatives in Italy as well. Over there, residents have to produce what is basically a permission slip (whether on paper only...or downloaded on a personal device...we didn't get into the detail of that when we spoke) when they are outside and asked to produce it. If the slip varies from the destination to and from and/or time frame documented on the slip--or if the slip is not produced at all---the offender will receive a 300 euros fine, or time in jail. Yikes it's really serious over there.
I heard this morning at my local grocery store that Starbucks has been closed unless they have a drive-thru. Okay. Since my in-town Starbucks was closed and doesn't have a drive thru window...and the Starbucks in my grocery store was open...it made sense to me. A good friend of mine who owns a very successful local restaurant flipped when I told her about the drive-thru thing. "You mean restaurants too?!" No, I did not. Yet I could see that coming; I just saw this morning the long line outside of Costco as people were waiting to get in little group by little group. Grant it, people were standing much closer together than 6' apart in that line outside the store---but who am I to notice?
Yep, this COVID-19 thing has landed for sure. Why is it happening? What's the point? What is this pandemic meant to teach all or any of us? Don't balk. If you miss the meaning(s) attached to any of your experiences....you won't learn anything as a result.
Here is some of what I have learned already:
When you wake up and say to yourself "Good God! Morning?!?!" instead of "Good Morning God!"..you are already setting yourself up for one sh** show of a day JUST SAYIN'! Prayer is powerful; don't forget it at a time like this! God didn't "cause" this pandemic, by the way. We did! If ever there was a time to re-think what you think about how the Universe works...this would be it! You can't and won't live in peace as we move through this thing until you are able to achieve peace inside your heart and spirit. No God...no peace. Know God...know peace.
It's good to be appropriately prepared; it's not so good to be hoarding whatever it is you are hoarding AS IF that's going to save you from..????? Remember, if it's your time---it IS your time, whether COVID-19 takes you out---or not.
Side note; a lady cried in front of me at Kroger when the cashier told her last week she couldn't buy nine bottles of liquid anti-bacterial soap. This same woman had about $300 worth of groceries in her cart...mostly junk food. Did you know that Kix cereal now comes in a box the size of a standard bed pillow? Who the hell came up with that brilliant idea? Sheesh! And what's with mega-stuffed Oreos? Man have I been out of the junk food loop! Oh, and I heard from an M.D. that elderberry syrup has a compound within in which "feeds" the COVID-19 virus. If that's the case, this lady in the grocery store is doomed with all the sugar she was totin' in her cart that night!
50 rolls of toilet paper and bottles of hand sanitizer will not help when you are sick with the flu in any form. But the OTC meds which work best for you (in conjunction with the meds prescribed to you!) might. Choose your purchases wisely when you are out. To buy all the bleach and rubbing alcohol in the world won't work when you're dying for a cough drop---but don't have any anywhere. Oops!
If you don't have a face mask or latex gloves, do you have a bandana...or a winter scarf...or other "types" of gloves? Guess what, they're better than nothing for self-protection. And teenagers...don't be coughing or spitting on the produce in the grocery store because you were raised by wolves....or no one at all. That drama you stir up for your own amusement...it will come back to you when you least expect it---and it won't be good.
Quit walking your poor dogs 8, 9, or 10 times each day and night. You want the poor thing to have a stroke? (This IS a joke, by the way!)
Managing your own anxiety requires that you figure out what works best for you and/or in conjunction with one or more "wise mind" family member(s)/friend(s)/a licensed psychotherapist you can call for assistance. Then you actually have to "do" what it is you figured out (and that is genuinely "good" for you and not harmful!)...and keep doing it.
If you don't like who you live with, you better learn real quick not to sweat the small stuff or you WILL take yourself down. Practice patience. Practice peace. Practice kindness. Kindness does matter. Treat the other(s) you live with as equals...with respect...and without trying to control their every word or movement. You aren't God...but neither is he/she/them.
Conversely to the Romeo and Juliets out there under the age of 20: yes, COVID-19 is a major drag. Yet sneaking out to meet each other and make out may not be the best idea when you still live in different households. Same is true with any "affair" couples...or other "groups" who like to push that envelope. The sickness is real. It's not a joke. Be responsible...and think of someone else's health and well-being for a change---like the immunity-compromised family members who live with your "love" interest.
Do more "us" activities within your home that you both agree on (negotiation and compromise is key here!)...or that you all agree on doing as a couple/as a family. When I lived with my bff back as young 20-somethings, we would each lie in our own beds and watch "The Dating Game" when it was on. We'd yell out our responses when we had them; it actually was quite fun! I'll never forget the time that serial killer dude was on the show. Best looking one out of the bunch, but thankfully the girl and he never ended up going out on their "date" when she selected him! (Don't email me asking who he was; I can picture him in my mind...but that's about it!) Rodney Acala (!?) Something like that. I amaze myself at times! LOL :-P
Get into virtual socializing in real time. There are virtual games to play with one or more people, virtual dinner parties...virtual movie nights...virtual happy hours (responsibly now!)...and virtual friend/family reunions. It's an option. Desktop or phone. Zoom is great for incompatible cell phone subscribers.
Get the jump on organizing your life and your residence and your closets and your drawers and your cupboards. It's a very good thing. Watch any past episode of the cable tv show "Hoarders" to motivate yourself to action. A cluttered and disorganized house is a complete reflection of its owner(s)' mind(s). Devoting even 20 minute a day to de-cluttering---one area of one room at a time---is a great way to start. If you have stuff to discard, discard it! That "thing" in your house that has been sitting there for months or years without being used or utilized---it's NOT "in" a relationship with you! It's just a thing! Get rid of it! Sell it online! We can still do that! Poshmark is great!
Don't go to the fridge or to the pantry to eat your feelings. If you make a practice of this, you will end up weighing a lot more at the end of this thing---than you did in the beginning of this thing.
To all the active addicts...12 step meetings haven't stopped just because COVID-19 has landed. And remember, if you are sober for a time and start back up drinking, you risk seizure and death. Same is true in reverse. Think Amy Winehouse. If you become sick and are hospitalized DO NOT LIE to the doctors or nursing staff who are treating you. You MUST tell them how much you truly are or have been drinking every day/night...and what other drugs you have been using and their specific amounts for pain, or recreationally, or to sleep at night. Be wise in this regard. By keeping your mouth shut and not speaking the truth, you really might end up dead---but not because of the Coronavirus. Years ago, I had a client whose girlfriend drank a fifth of vodka every day. She got the flu. She didn't have her vodka in those first 24 hours she was so terribly sick. When he woke up the next morning, she had not. She was dead in the bed. Seizure. No wonder why.
Practice laughing every day. The COVID-19 parody songs are beyond funny on youtube. We are way talented all across this great global neighborhood we share! (Or upload your own! America's got talent! We already know this!) Watch any of the vintage throwback comedy programs or series that get you belly laughing in spite of. I used to watch the original "Little Rascals" on VHS; I also loved The Three Stooges. Now...I am finding my own programs that are old, but still "new" to me. Like Mystery Science Theatre 3000. Laughter does the heart good like medicine. No kidding that's absolutely true!
Now might be a great time to take up that hobby or interest you always wanted to do...but never felt you had the time for. Learn how to play the piano.....or a new language...or silver plate your old costume jewelry. Anything that you do in this regard that involves repetitive patterns and some form of counting...or memorizing...all good! That actually helps to calm down the emotions-driven side of our brains when we are anxious and otherwise highly agitated or upset. Whatever it is you are interested in learning or finding out "how to" do, there is a tutorial on youtube about that thing, I guarantee it! If you have a sewing machine and know how to sew, start upcycling...or creating...or mending/altering all those items you meant to do, but didn't yet. As it turns out, I am re-organizing my office bookshelves by color-coding each cubicle of books with found objects in the house (same color). Amazing what a difference it's made already. Only 71 more cubicles to go! :-P
If you don't cook or bake, now's your chance. Watch, learn, and practice. Unlike past history, you don't need grandma next to you to learn how to make homemade pasta noodles. Just google "How to make homemade pasta noodles" and see all the tutorials that pop up!
Same goes for reading. If you can read, you can certainly read about topics that you are beyond interested in. It's that simple. There won't be an exam when you finish...and reading actually does feed your soul! So choose your books wisely too. I happened to score "Chasing Vines" by Beth Moore the last day our local library was open. Can't wait to get started on it! Any one of us can google "Best books on the topic of ….." to see what's available to read online and/or purchase "used". Novels, autobiographies, how-to and self-help, inspirational, history, crafts, poetry, true crime....need I go on?
Same goes for reading. If you can read, you can certainly read about topics that you are beyond interested in. It's that simple. There won't be an exam when you finish...and reading actually does feed your soul! So choose your books wisely too. I happened to score "Chasing Vines" by Beth Moore the last day our local library was open. Can't wait to get started on it! Any one of us can google "Best books on the topic of ….." to see what's available to read online and/or purchase "used". Novels, autobiographies, how-to and self-help, inspirational, history, crafts, poetry, true crime....need I go on?
Okay. Unsolicited advice over. We will get through this. You can count on that. Stay healthy...and stay positive.
Until next post...