Happy New Year 2022! It's here. Today's blog post has to do with the 12 Things You Should Always Remember as you navigate your way through the new year ahead!
1. The Past Cannot Be Changed, But You Can Learn From It!
No kidding! We spend way too much time thinking about the past, or drifting mentally to it whenever we feel like it. Whether your past was more good than bad in your own opinion...or more bad than good...you don't live there anymore. You live in the "now". Without staying in the "now" moments of your life, you end up wasting your now/present moments on whatever it is you keep thinking about repeatedly. Like the past. If you want to take the time to think about the past, glean the important lessons from it so you can apply those lessons "now" into your right now real life!
2. Opinions Don't Define Your Reality, But Your Own Do!
Everyone has their opinions. If you let other people's opinions define your reality...you are allowing yourself to let someone else do your thinking for you. This isn't a good plan for your own life. Yet, if your own opinions are not based on reality and/or the facts and evidence associated with present day reality...that's not good either! Learning to experience and perceive your life through an objective lens versus a subjective lens is a good beginning for anyone who struggles here.
3. Everyone's Journey Is Different!
Yes, preach it! It's true! Wherever you are...it will not be the same spot where your spouse, child, best friend, mother, sister, boss, neighbor are at. We all have our own life's journey to experience, and no two journeys are going to be the same. Don't presume you know what someone else is going through. You don't. You can ask, but then you have to wait for their response(s). What is easy for you, may not be so easy for someone else...and vice versa. Let's learn to respect one another's journey in 2022.
4. Until You Heal, It Will Hold You Hostage!
Whatever it is you need to heal from, you need to do your own work to make progress. This is especially true of survivors of trauma who "just don't want to think about that!"...because that's not how trauma is effectively and successfully processed and grieved! If we don't do our own work of healing with the help of enlightened others who can come up along side us on this particular journey---we won't. We will just repeat what we haven't learned from our past, because we don't know any better. If we choose to approach our healing by doing nothing about it, this is the truer tragedy of our present life and choices....
5. Judgments Are A Confession of Character!
When someone tells you who you are without asking first...or presumes "the worst" about you as a general rule without any evidence or facts to back up their assertions...this is what you're dealing with. Someone who is confessing to you their own character flaws as they try taking you down with them. Don't believe it. It's part and parcel of the way too many behave when they know what they need themselves to work on---but would just rather accuse others of similar defects also!
6. Overthinking Will Lead To Sadness!
We can act ourselves into right thinking much faster than we can think ourselves into right acting. Overthinking just gives us something to do, without doing much else practically speaking to actually solve, resolve, or dissolve the real life and right now problem or issue we are experiencing. Overthinking gives us something to do, but gets us nowhere at all, and does lead to feeling helpless, hopeless, and sad!
Next time, the remaining 12 things we need to remember as we navigate the new year ahead...
Until next post!