Monday, May 16, 2022

How America Got Dumb(er)...

In case you haven't noticed, America gets dumber with each passing generation.  Just to be clear.  As one example, there was NEVER a time when school teachers said to us baby boomers, "Oh don't worry, one day people will spell any which way they want to and the rules for understanding, writing, and speaking in English won't matter anymore!"  Nor did they tell us, "By the time you are in 2nd grade, you will be better educated about gender identity and sexual orientation options than how to perform basic math calculations.  For example, do you know what "quad-sexual" means in 2022?  Well it doesn't have anything to do with fooling around in wide open spaces inside you or your friend's ATV.  These days, it means being sexually involved with men, women, animals, and shrubbery.  I am not kidding.  When we have to objectify everyone and everything so as to attach labels like this...we are both doomed AND dumber as a country big time!

America also got dumber as the film and television industry evolved since their respective inceptions.  Remember, there were no films (movies) in existence in America prior to 1878.  At that time, it was a jockey riding a horse at a California racetrack that caught everyone's attention utilizing multiple cameras to create a flip-book like montague of the horse moving in a forward direction with its hooves rising up and down against the surface of the ground beneath it. Eadweard Muybridge was the photographer who created this film just a few years after being acquitted (by reason of insantiy) for the murder of his wife's lover.  How far we have fallen since that time.  Just as I learned in Marketing 101 back in undergrad, if it is "shocking" "scandalous" "titilating" and "exciting"...."it" succeeds in capturing our collective "attention", "interest", "desire", and "action" simultaneously.  It doesn't take any self-control or personal integrity to be intrigued and/or attracted to the wrong people, places, and things!  We already know how to do bad, easy, wrong, immoral, illegal, and fattening all by ourselves---just as we always have!  Since film and television have been used as electronic babysitters for so many of us who are from the baby boom generation, think about how that has devolved along with its media content as our kids...and our grandkids...have been exposed.  Remember when "Married With Children" was blasted for the way it mocked family values as one of the most popular television sitcoms of its time? far we HAVE fallen since Eadweard Muybridge's time!  

I knew something was going way wrong when I saw prime time television shows go animated.  When little kids believe they will be watching "cartoons" (or we dumb a$$ adults believe the same thing!), and instead get schooled on every imaginable human vice...we are ALL being made fools of big time. (Thanks for that South Park...and all that followed!)

What we never counted on is how the bad/easy/wrong/immoral/illegal/fattening becomes more intense and intensely offensive as the generation ahead shows up and grows up into adulthood.

When I was eating my way through childhood, I remember my classmates being somewhat horrified by the fact that I used money to eat out of vending machines at local area gas stations.  Think about that.  Back then, sticking money into a machine to each breakfast or lunch as a kid was truly scandalous.  Not unlike going into the local "comic book" shop and buying a pack of cigarettes, a Playboy magazine, and some alcohol as an adult.  These things were just not healthy to be doing or modeling to others, let alone in public.

Now...?  People can defecate and urinate anywhere outdoors and it's their right to, don't you know?  Individuals and families can park themselves on any street corner to knock on your car window as you are waiting for the light to turn...and suddenly you are the horrible person for calling the police to conduct a wellness check on the babies and small children stuck there in 80 degree weather all morning or afternoon.  What's next?  Being free to have sex with whomever or whatever in the median of 8 Mile Road?  Beyond becoming dumber, we have also lost our damn minds!

Baby formula for special needs' babies is now not freely available to purchase in this country because of a bacteria that got into the plant and formula where Abbott labs creates it (?) How long does it take to clean up the mess and then get this special formula back on store shelves?   How about "Who knows?" because we are too dumb to take proper and immediate action to fix the problem in a timely enough manner!?  Yet we better be able to immediately identify ourselves as "Pro Trump" or "Pro Biden" lest we are immediately pidgeonholed as being either highly intelligent---or with a below 70 full scale IQ.

In winning the battles, we still are fully capable of losing the war.  Each generation is provided with a new chances and opportunities to get things right, yet there are those more invested in just getting their own turn at making depraved, degenerate, and dysfunctional life choices to serve their own needs.

Good luck to us.  We are a hot mess.  We forgot about doing the right thing in our pursuit of power, pleasure, and avoidance of personal responsibility as a chosen lifestyle.  God help us all.  We sure do need Him now more than ever.  Just sayin'...

Until next post.....