Shut up and relax. I always loved that line. Reminds me of what Woody Allen's advice was to those facing the electric chair: "Don't sit down." Hilarious. Yet it is pretty amazing how difficult it is for so many people to actually slow their breathing, lower their pulse and blood pressure, and clear their mind of its clutter in light of industry changes and innovations over the past 20-30 years. This would not involve the purchase and use of central nervous system depressants by the way. These depressants include but are not limited to alcohol, marijuana, pain killers, all "huffing" substances (spraypaint, airplane glue, etc.), and of course the grand-daddy of them all, heroin.
When you think about it, the ability to relax is all about the ability to cultivate and maintain inner peace, period. And when a person experiences true and authentic inner peace...they are relaxed. It's all pretty plain and simple. Many find that practicing their faith-based beliefs on a regular and consistent basis is an important key here. The power of prayer is beyond powerful; it allows us to release our day-to-day worries in such a way as to know they will be ultimately solved, resolved, or dissolved. Prayer also allows us to create and maintain a deeply personal and intimate relationship with our Creator; we are not limited to merely attending a place of worship each week. We can actually commune with God anytime and anyplace, and without a designated man or woman of the cloth to control/guide/lead the process. Please don't misunderstand me, attending church, temple, mosque, or hall provides the opportunity to fellowship with other believers in a structured and coordinated fashion; I'm merely pointing out that this isn't "all there is" to experiencing your own personal relationship with God.
Beyond the spiritual practices that help us understand the truth behind this saying: "No God, No Peace...Know God, Know Peace"...there are other things that can be done to bring peace into your daily life.
Eating right, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, exercising regularly...these are all practices that ensure the health of your physical body. If you have a pre-existing medical issue or mental health issue, it is also equally important to seek out treatment and follow it in accordance with your doctor's recommendation. I have seen more individuals tank due to self-neglect and/or abuse in this area of their lives. It is impossible to relax when your body and mind is not functioning properly to begin with...
Our relational life is another important component which impacts our overall ability to relax and maintain inner peace. Some people are naturally drawn towards others---and some are not. In the final analysis, everyone needs to feel valued, worthy, and that they matter to someone other than themselves. This isn't going to happen if the only person you hang out with is yourself. No matter how old you are or how involved or uninvolved you have been socially in the past...there is no time like the present to reach out and touch someone. Our desire to understand and be understood is universal; that won't happen unless you learn how to not only have a friend...but to be a friend.
Of course there are all the hundreds and thousands of "tips" which are printed up and sold every year which promote various ways to relax. Take a hot bath, practice yoga, pet your dog or cat, etc. etc. That's all well and good, but without the above-mentioned foundational components in place...there are no amount of "tips" that will ever truly work to bring peace into your life for more than a minute.
I won't tell you to shut up at this point...but I certainly hope you'll be inspired to relax.