Wednesday, November 17, 2010


As Thanksgiving approaches, being grateful is where it's at.  As a kid growing up, what I remember most about Thanksgiving was that it was my mother's birthday (and mine too, but that's another story).  Both born on November 24th, I don't even know how many times I heard "It's my birthday and SHE horned in on it" coming from my mother's mouth.  I don't remember any Thanksgivings at our own dinner table;  usually we went to my aunt and uncle's house for "cake and coffee"...or to my uncle's cousin's house where his wife (thankfully!) knew how to bake strudel.  The same was true for Christmas.  I don't remember much about the day itself...but I do remember periodically being given a gift by Joanne (the cousin's wife) who worked at the local Marianne's.  Back then, Marianne's was the equivalent of today's "Deb" retailer...though probably a bit more upscale (if that's possible). 
My parents were not very grateful people by the way.  They fought a lot.  And I do mean A LOT.  Like "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf" alot.  Like Charlie Sheen and any of his past wives alot.  Like anyone who lives in a river of denial and thinks everyone else is to blame for their problems a lot.  Those were my parents.
Even when my mother took her last ambulance trip to the hospital, she and my father were immortalized by the ambulance drivers who listened to them fighting en route.  I found out by one of the nurses attending to my mother after she fell into a coma.  "Oh, the drivers said your parents were fighting like cats and dogs, which was amazing to them because your parents are so old!"  I wondered if she could imagine what it was like when they weren't 78 and 88 (at that time)...but 33 and 43.  Or 43 and 53.  Unfortunately, I could remember.  Ironic isn't it?  I can't remember any of the major holidays I lived through for the first 18 years of my life---but I sure can remember their fights.  Go figure.
My mother died that same week she was taken to the hospital.  My father is still alive and kicking at (now) 93 years old.  Kicking what...I don't know.  But it isn't me anymore, and that's a good thing.
Now that I am reminded of all that....I DO have so much to be grateful for as Thanksgiving 2010 approaches.  I may have been recently dx'd with asthmatic bronchitis...I may pee a little every time I cough...and I don't exactly relish the idea of turning 54 years old this coming Wednesday.  But I am still very very grateful.  I broke a cycle that could have continued on for another generation (or two or three!).  By God's grace, the love of a good man (and beautiful daughter!)....I do have so much to be grateful for.  And I am.  Happy Thanksgiving.