Saturday, January 2, 2016

Got Therapy?

Someone asked me recently if I would make up a list to encourage people who wouldn't think to see a psychotherapist about their "issues" in 2016.  I thought about it.  I also thought about all the people who have come into my office over the years and who didn't want to be there, but showed up anyway. Whether it was the court system that "forced" them into seeing me....or a spouse threatening divorce...or a child that attempted suicide....or someone who was just discharged from an inpatient unit...there are all sorts of reasons why people get therapy even when they don't think they want it---or need it.  Yet I have been able to whittle them down to ten...and here they are for you now:

"The Top Ten Reasons Why You Need To See A Psychotherapist in 2016!"

1.  You know, deep down, that you don't like feeling so anxious...or guilty...or lonely...or angry...or jealous..or obsessive (whatever "uncomfortable" feelings you struggle with) as often as you do.  You have tried to reduce the frequency and intensity of these negative feelings through all sorts of distractions, but they still somehow manage to creep back anyway. You have read books and maybe even attended a self-help group or two...but you just can't seem to get past whatever it is in order to reduce and minimize these "bad" feelings when they keep popping back up.

2.  You are doing something, and/or you are using something, on a regular enough basis, that "it" is starting to negatively impact your ability to do your life and relationships in the healthiest way possible.  This "thing" or "thing you do" may not be a secret, but the frequency with which you think about it and then do it that is a secret.  Perhaps nobody has said anything yet about "it" because they haven't even noticed...or perhaps they have. Whatever the case, it feels at times like you are losing control...and not in a good way. You may have already experienced physical consequences as a result of these choices which have required medical intervention;  or you may have experienced other kinds of consequences (lost money, lost your job, lost a friend or partner, had to move away, etc. etc.).  All you know is that you don't know what to do anymore to get yourself on the right track and stay there.

3.  You know everybody is aware of the thoughts they have inside their own heads.  But you know that the thoughts you have inside your own head are different from other people's.  Instead of just thinking something and knowing that you, yourself, are thinking it...your thoughts seem to have taken on a life of their own. Kind of like someone is living up there and talking at you when you don't even want them to---or judging you---or telling you what to do---or at times responding to something you just experienced like "they" experienced it too!  What the..?!?  You may have gotten used to these thoughts that confuse you and frighten you at times, but you still wish they would just stop! 

4.  Your most important personal relationship is falling apart. You are sick of the fighting and/or the silent treatment(s) are sick of hearing the same old thing over and over again as if saying it a thousand times is really going to "fix" the problem. You don't even know what's true or not true anymore.  Sometimes it feels like the only way things would get better is if you could somehow disappear and just be gone.

5.  You are a survivor of one or more significant traumas.  These traumas may have occurred in your childhood...or just as recently as today.  Whatever the case, you are suffering now.  You can't make molehills out of legitimate mountains and mountains out of legitimate molehills.  You are too fast to heat up and too slow to cool down.  You notice way too much and you are sick of it.  You want to be "normal" so badly but it feels like that is one impossible goal.  You are hyper-aware, hyper-alert, and burned out by all of it.  You just want to be left alone, but that's not the answer and you know it.  Like a vicious cycle...what do you do when you don't know what to do anymore?

6.  Your life isn't what you thought it would be at this age and stage.  What you thought you would be doing and where you assumed you'd be's not happening.  It's like you are stuck in a life you don't even want but there it is anyway.  Stuck best describes this feeling.  Just stuck and not knowing how to find your way up and out of the abyss.

7.  You know you have issues with people.  Deep down, you know you don't like them OR trust them very much.  Which stinks because that's what you are too---a person.  You feel odd, weird, different...and who really understands that any better than you do?  Yet you know you have to change.  This can't go on forever. It's getting harder and harder to isolate and keep your distance. But it's getting easier to just do nothing about it and leave things alone.  People are so much work!

8.  You are engaging in behaviors that, if exposed, will lead to your death---or your incarceration.  You can't stop yourself. Even though you know it's "wrong", you just can't stop on your own.  Others are involved.  You feel there is no way out.

9.  You feel like you don't know who you are as a person.  You tend to be or behave like whomever you are around.  You don't know what you don't know what your opinions are that person who basically says "O.K.!" and "Yes!" to whatever anybody else wants or expects from you.  You don't feel like you have developed your own unique identity and sense of self.  You are just here to be used by whomever and whenever and however.

10.  You don't know the difference between what you are and are not personally responsible for in your own life---and in the lives of others you care about or are involved with.  You give too much...and then you take too much.  You do the right thing for the wrong person and the wrong thing for the right person. You feel swallowed up by everybody else's needs and there you are still working like crazy to make sure everybody else is o.k. "first".  You feel responsible for other people's "happy".  You feel they should be responsible for your happy as well.  You don't know how to get off this treadmill and improve the quality of your important relationships.  You function primarily as either someone's slave...or someone's master.  You don't know any other way to be in your significant relationships.  Everybody is here to use...or be used.  Isn't that just the way it is?

So, there you have it...the top ten reasons why you need to see a psychotherapist in 2016.  Like me.
If you haven't "Got Therapy?" before---there's no time like the present to make the call and set up an appointment.

Happy New Year!