Sunday, May 21, 2017

Our Six Living Generations: Part I

According to Dr. Jill Novak from Texas A&M University, there are currently six living generations in America.  Because we love our labels as a culture, each generation is described and identified by its different attributes, values, likes, and dislikes.  I believe that regardless of which generation we belong to, there are certain attributes and values we should never let go of lest we find ourselves plummeting down into the abyss.  Hopefully, today's blog post will clarify what matters and what doesn't when it comes to ourselves---and the generation to which we belong.

The GI Generation includes those individuals who were born between 1901-1926.  These are the children of the World War I generation...and who probably fought in World War II (males) and/or were young children during the Great Depression of the late 1920s.  It is believed that this generation grew up believing in strong models of teamwork to overcome their personal hardships..and to progress past them.  "They saved the world and then built a nation."  "They are the assertive and energetic do'ers."  "Strongly interested in personal morality and near-absolute standards of right and wrong."  With this generation it is also said that they married for life, divorce and having children out of wedlock was NOT acceptable social behavior.  Further, there was NO retirement;  you worked until you died or couldn't work anymore.  Financially, this generation avoided debt---and saved their money in order to buy with cash--not credit.  Most grew up without modern conveniences like refrigerators, electricity, and air conditioning.

Sounds good doesn't it?  I mean who could find anything "wrong" with this GI Generation in the general sense?  They went through hell...they came out the other side...and they served as strong role models for their children and their grandchildren.  Right?  Well, let's put it this way---for those who "chose" to follow this formula for living more often than not, their lives and the lives of their families were probably much better than those who didn't.  To presume that most everyone from this generation was like this is both foolish and ignorant.  Just like today, every generation has its (for lack of a better way of putting it!) l-o-s-e-r-s and its a-d-d-i-c-t--s and its a-b-u-s-e-r-s, etc. etc. etc.

Next, the Mature/Silents.  These are the people who were born between 1927-1945.  For this group, the majority experienced their growing up years during an era of suffocating conformity---but also during postwar euphoria:  Television!  Suburban Living!  World Peace!  Jobs for Everybody!  Cars!  Playboy!  Rock 'n Roll!  These are also the people who went through the Korean war conflict and Vietnam.  During their grade school years, the worst teacher complaints were about passing notes and chewing gum in class.  (Geez, how far we have fallen since then eh?!)  This generation loves to read, especially newspapers.  Once again marriage for life was the high social and moral standard for families;  divorce and having children out of wedlock still not accepted or acceptable.  All told, this generation is described as disciplined, self-sacrificing, and cautious.  It is with this generation that the first hopeful drumbeats of civil rights were heard, though women had never heard or even imagined the word "feminism"...

O.K. then!  Minus those from this generation who left their spouses and children, didn't really like working or kept getting fired from their jobs, did whatever they felt like doing to feel good problem!  After all, we can do bad all by ourselves regardless if we were born in 1927...or not!

And here we come to the Baby Boomer generation;  those born between 1946-1964.  My generation, as a matter of fact.  According to Dr. Novak, our generation fell into two subsets:  1.  the "Save the World" revolutionaries of the 60's and 70's, and 2.  the "Part-Hardy" career climbers (Yuppies) of the 70's and 80's.  Baby boomers are considered the first "Me" generation by being so self-righteous and self-centered.  Our motto was buy it now and use credit instead of cash.  We are too busy for much neighborly involvement---yet we have a strong desire to re-set or change the common values of our culture for the good of everybody.  (Wow, there's an oxymoron if ever one existed!)  We are the first raised-on-television generation.  We are also the first divorce generation, since divorce by this time was beginning to be accepted as a tolerable reality.  During this generation, we also began accepting gays and lesbians.  We are also believed to be optimistic, driven, and team-oriented...while envisioning technology and innovation as requiring a learning process.  And thanks to us, we ushered in the free love and societal non-violent protests which triggered violence.  We are  the largest generation in history with 77 million people in this country;  our aging process will change America almost incomprehensibly.  ("I would like to thank Botox, Juviderm, and Hair Extensions for this award...")  Instead of sitting in a rocking chair after retirement, we are doing what's necessary to increase our longevity....

..including using medical marijuana for our aches and pains, popping prescription pills like candy because we can't stand feeling "bad" or "unable to fall asleep", etc. etc. etc.

Thanks to us...we still wonder why or how our children view 30 as the new 20...or would rather travel, pop in and out of college and/or career choices, or hold off on marriage or having babies until they are pushing 40?  Puleeze!

Next time, the last three living generations will be presented for your reading pleasure..
