Saturday, January 7, 2023

"Dry" January. Really?!

Wow o.k. so you are practicing "dry" January this month?  What happened to the other eleven months of 2022 if you practiced it last year?  And what will happen in the next eleven months of 2023 if you are practicing it now?  Inotherwords, what's your point?  You can go without an alcoholic drink for 30 days?  Big flippin' whoop!  You are no hero and you prove no point by getting through "dry" January o.k.?  

So let's get real.  I don't know who "invented" dry January...but it has nothing to do with achieving long-term sobriety when a person has a drinking problem.  Period.  Now, I can tell you that suggesting a client go one month without drinking at all---now that is something we psychotherapists will do when someone "wonders" whether or not they have a drinking problem in the first place.  So yes, a "dry" month of complete sobriety from all substances IS something we will initially suggest when the topic arises in our offices.  However, "dry" January or March or June or whatever NOT a thing that has any legit purpose in mind---other than to allow alcoholics in denial to believe he/she/they are "o.k." and do not have a drinking problem...because they were capable of going for one month without drinking.

Get a clue.

If you can go one month without drinking alcohol, or smoking a joint, or eating an edible, or popping a pill, or snorting whatever....great!  Now do it again next month.  And the month after that.  And keep going until you have a year under your belt of  "real" sobriety.  Until you can do that, you are deluded.  Just sayin'...

Until next post!