I've noticed a trend lately. Psychosis is gaining ground as an acceptable and new form of neurodivergent thinking. My apologies to all our neurodivergent thinkers out there, by the way. It was the only term I could come up with to explain the acceptance of a "different" way of thinking and perceiving reality that deviates from the mainstream. Neurodivergence, by the way, is associated with individuals who think outside the box (all things being grounded in rationality that is!) when compared to their "neurotypical" counterparts. Except with psychosis, it involves thinking outside of reality (irrational thinking!) and liking to remain there for whatever reason(s) spoken and unspoken...
Psychosis, by definition, is abnormal. And what is "abnormal" in the first place you may wonder? It is that which causes real harm to self or others without regard for the damage(s) being inflicted (to self or to others). For example, "avolition" is a common behavioral pattern that often accompanies psychotic thinking. People who do not initiate, do not pursue, and are unmotivated to "do" their own life's personal responsibilities on a daily basis (you know, "get up, dress up, show up" for one's own life!) will often view this pattern of thinking and associated behavior(s) as not a big deal. "I want to do what I want to do and you can't stop me! Especially when I don't want to do anything at all!"
Please do not confuse avolition with significant forms of depression and/or grief. Avolition is a desired outcome. Those who practice it like being disconnected from reality. Like someone who is addicted to all things virtual reality. It's its own lifestyle "choice" based on an abnormal condition of mind, life, and soul.
We may not be able to stop you, but it is YOUR own functioning that is severely impaired when you choose to just lay around in bed all day or on the couch...and that's how you roll more days than not. This damaging pattern of ongoing disconnection may prevent you from making and maintaining authentic friendships....graduating from high school/college/trade school....getting and/or keeping a job...perhaps driving a car...learning new skills....and/or otherwise "functioning" successfully enough as a person your age in this world you inhabit.
How does this happen? Well, since our brains are naturally wired for connection, trauma definitely rewires them for disconnection. How about that? Another topic for another time.....
Today's blog post is all about psychosis and how our thinking about it is being politicized as the next "anything" to become okay to accept/pursue/be about/do in our current culture.
The term psychosis comes from the Greek "psyche" which translated means "mind, life, and soul"...and "osis" which translated means "abnormal condition". As such, "psychosis" is an abnormal condition of the mind, life, and soul.
Of course, in today's world when dressing up like a demon, or Dora the Explorer, or a lumberjack in a tutu is "acceptable" when it's not Halloween----guess what? We have mainstreamed new standards of what constitutes public civility and associated (public) behavior(s). I was at a market last year when I saw my first "demon" (thanks to Ferndale for that by the way!) cross paths with me. Between the contact lenses, the body modified horns out her forehead, the tats everywere including her face, the outfit, and her hairdo...wtf? I mean, she'd be a great character on the next episode of some random horror movie---but strolling through fabulous Ferndale, really? Yep, it was a really for her that day just saying! (Believe me, I know all about histrionic presentation styles, but this one took the damn cake and the box with it!)
Doesn't anyone remember the fairy tale "The Emperor Has No Clothes"? I certainly do. To be brief, the Emperor was being duped by a con man who charged him a King's ransom for creating clothes that were, in fact, non-existent. Utilizing his skills of the con, this tailor sewed with invisible thread on invisible cloth to create a wardrobe for the Emperor beyond compare. Everyone was too afraid to say they couldn't see the Emperor's "new" clothes...so they all agreed how beautiful and wonderful and amazing the tailor's finished work was. Until a little kid showed up and pointed at the Emperor to proclaim aloud: "The Emperor Has No Clothes!" End of. Finally! It took a little kid to wake up the world around him about the aberrant reality of the present moment.
When is that going to happen to us? Who knows? I do my bit for humanity in this regard; how about you? Living a life without truth attached is what allows us to do whatever we want, when we want, without a thought to how our growing romance with psychotic thinking genuinely affects ourselves...and the lives of those around us. I know I am sick of being bullied into believing that "anything" is o.k. because a psychotic state of mind is something the culture decides to aim for rather than aim to eradicate! (If you have ever had a convo with someone talking about their acid trip(s) and how "great" and/or how "traumatizing" they were...you do understand what I am talking about here!) Authentic spiritual awakening and transformation comes from the inside out, not from the outside in.
Until you have seen psychotic thinking acted out in inappropriate ways, you may be tempted to believe that it's "not all that bad" a condition for those who have it. I mean, aren't we all a little psychotic when we believe we still can do something we haven't done in years---let alone when that "something" involves physical agility, strength, balance, and core strength? Reminds me of when I went back to the gym in early January and couldn't lift my foot and leg up off the ground for 30 seconds like everyone else did. We are really good at deluding ourselves about reality more often than not. I have done it. You do it too. However, my own "reality check" regarding my current physical condition inspired me to do my work to keep myself in present day reality.
Psychosis as the new "normal" inspires us to keep ourselves out of present day reality and live inside the middle of our delusional thinking for as long as we like without leaving it.
If you know anybody with dementia, you may begin to understand what I am speaking of in today's post. Sadly, I have too many friends and acquaintences who have been diagnosed with dementia. It is a very unsettling reality when someone you "think" knows you doesn't recognize you at all when you go to visit him/her/them. Even more unsettling, when the person with dementia starts talking about "stuff" that is clearly not of this world---but of the world inside their own mind. "I need the car! I'm going home! I hate it here!"...when the person is at home, his/her/their driving privileges were taken away months ago, and now there is a meltdown to follow as part of the search for car keys. No, nobody wants to go through that, let alone witness it.
The drug and alcohol use of our recent generations adds gasoline to the pre-existing fire of those who struggle with mental health issues...and then psychosis shows up as a drug-induced by product of this groups' lifestyle choices. Now that marijuana has been legalized, there are MANY users who have no clue how smoking or ingesting their edibles have served as a new gateway to psychotic thinking and behavioral responses they can't/won't/don't acknowledge. For example, if you are bipolar or remain undiagnosed with a major mood disorder.....drug and/or alcohol use is NOT YOUR FRIEND! You run a high risk of psychosis entering into your picture and staying there for longer than you anticipated. I have often shared with clients the story of a patient who I saw back 25 years ago who "went psychotic" (which represented the venacular we used back then!) after taking a single hit of Ecstacy at a rave. She didn't come back to baseline and ended up in a group home. She was in her early 20s. It can be like that. You want to believe you are "fine" when, in fact, you are not fine. You are struggling with an ongoing state of psychosis and you don't even know it.
Next post, coming out of the fog of psychotic thinking/psychotic episodes with "proper" care and treatment...