Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome 2011! (..and staying positive)

It's been a while since my last post. I went to Maui...I caught pneumonia...and I'm still feeling out of sorts. YET---it's a new year! 2011 has arrived and in spite of everything, I CHOOSE to be positive. Which is the subject of today's post!

Making positive changes in your life does require adopting a positive attitude. We've all heard "adopt an attitude of gratitude" or "fake it until you make it" etc. etc. All I know is that when you keep viewing your life as half empty (or anything else "negative") are setting yourself up for disappointment before the disappointment even hits. And it's not like I'm promoting a "live in denial and it'll all be better" kind of mentality here. What I AM saying is that positive results rarely if ever occur as a result of negative attitudes! Why is that? Because if you are focused on what's wrong or what's bad or what's bound to happen instead of "what is"'ll more than likely miss those "positive" moments you experience because YOU AREN'T NOTICING THEM!

Case in point. I'm sick. I've been sick with "something" since mid-October. It started out something upper respiratory...then after surgery it morphed into asthmatic bronchitis...then after Maui it morphed into pneumonia. O.K. I'm not stupid. I get it. I'm sick. On the other hand, what am I supposed to do with the time I have spent laying in bed or around the house these past 10 days? I could have focused on the negative; anyone in my shoes would have found it quite easy. However, I instead focused (in part!) on some movies I haven't seen...and books I haven't yet read. It was great. I found out that watching "The Joneses" IS the greatest pre-cursor movie before watching "Devil" hands down! I found out I LOVED the movie "Devil" when I thought I would be too scared to watch it in the first place! I learned about the history of drugs in Western culture (not by experience but by READING about it! HAHA); I also learned that Twilight Zone reruns are still the best regardless if you've seen them just once or a million times.

I also realized that life is always short...and this is why we must wear our long pants (with a smile!) no matter what. None of us know what can happen and when (even though that may sound like a negative spin!)..yet what better reason to make the most of what we are able and capable of doing right now, this very day? After all, these 24 hours is all that we've been given (today!)...and why waste them? This is the attitude I hope to carry throughout 2011. Do your best. Be your best. Keep that smile on your face. Even the darkest day is still only 24 hours long. It'll all be better in the morning...

Happy new year everyone!