Sunday, April 6, 2014

When What's Yours is Mine and What's Mine is Mine....

I think by now I've heard enough stories and seen enough people to know that there's quite a codependent crisis going on when it comes to money.  In the old days, people generally understood that if you wanted to eat---you had to work.  Period.  Britney Spears even wrote a song about this issue;  the opening line is "You want a hot want a want a gotta work bi**h!"  Unfortunately, not everyone wants to work bi**h because they have got all caught up in a "what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine" mentality.

Kane West also wrote a song about this issue some years back;  I find the song "Gold digger" especially humorous as it was written long before he met Kim Kardashian and had her baby.  Needless to say, we all understand that there are enough of us in the world who try to get something for nothing from whomever we can find;  instead of living la bella vita (the beautiful life)--we end up living la vida loca (the crazy life).  Please allow me to explain....

With every year I do my job, I am still amazed at how many of us will use whatever money we have as if it's a bonus check to blow on whatever comes to mind.  I recently found out that the average and "recreational" pot smoker spends about $75.00 a week in order to smoke on average one joint per day (seven joints).  I don't know about you, but I am hard pressed to think of anyone who smokes weed who can also limit themselves to one joint a day (or night)...let alone when the weekend comes.  Yet, even with this "understated" financial example, $300.00 a month would be out the door to support a recreational habit that doesn't include any Red Bull, Starbucks, chips, candy, or other edibles. 

As another option, those who like to hit the casino generally spend between $100-300 per visit.  This from the American Gaming Association (AGA) survey conducted each year out of Las Vegas.  Now I don't know about you...but I am aware of many of my friend's parents who go multiple times each week over to Motor City and/or Greektown to play the slots.  Even if I cut that number in half, spending $50 on gaming two, three, or four times a week sure adds up. 

Ironically, a survey of the top ten things Americans waste the most money on had little to do with weed or gambling when compared to the #1 vice.  Can you guess what we spend the most of our money on?  "Food away from home."  Yikes. 

Needless to say, in our "give it to me now" culture---we sure need a lot of money in order to have what we think we "need" on any given day, week, month, or year.  The problem arises when we believe that others "owe" us a good moment---a good day---or a good life.  This is what we call in the biz irrational thinking.  Yet as long as we remain codependently enmeshed with our kids...or our siblings...or our parents...or our best friends...or our partner---we will still continue to give (too much) or take (too much) which of course is going to include all things financial. 

What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine is a scary way to live and function.  Bad habits can be broken.  Awareness is the first step towards freedom.  So now you know.  Until next time....